Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dirty Girl

I can't stop thinking about other guys. I have a boyfriend of almost 2 and 1/2 years and all I can think about is making sure I'm getting attention from any male I come into contact with.
Tonight at work, I flirted with my co-worker non-stop. Then a cute customer came in and I was in gaga land.
I log onto Myspace tonight and hope to find some friend requests from some smokin' guys.
I text message some guy I met last week at a club and we have a date set supposedly even though I have a boyfriend. (How will I handle that dilemma? We shall see.)
I look up some porn online because I'm depressed and masturbating always makes me happy.
With everything going on right now, I just want to be settled down and married and everything taken care of for me. 

Conversation with boy...
Him: so you thought you were cool talking smack after the game huh! how about you and i go race at F1 on friday and see whos talking then :)
Me: lol what's F1? I'm not from ________ I'm on the west side
Him: haha its a place..they have go carts that go 50mph theyre fast! you have to wear a helmet and stuff
Me: I've never heard of it but it sounds like fun!
Him: it will be ;)
Me: Friday or Saturday?
Him: You wanna get smoked sooner or later? jk. Friday
Me: Alrighty I'll let you know ;)

I want to fuck someone new. I know if I wanted to I could fuck this guy but it's honestly not worth risking my relationship of 2 and 1/2 years. What to do, what to do...

1 comment:

ChicagoSane said...

What's wrong with a little side play?

I'm dating a nice girl, 7 months. She does so many good things, but not in the bedroom. She's inexperienced.

So I found myself a girl with a boring boyfriend, and a few times a month we have strong, amazing sex.

Is it cheating? Yes, but it's a need unfulfilled in an otherwise decent relationship.

BTW maybe your boyfriend gave you HPV. It's not a big deal, just monitor it. It's never scared me off, just keep female condoms handy.